Gadget Guard – Plus $150 Guarantee Glass Screen Protector For Apple Iphone 14 Pro – Clear


1218 in stock


Gadget Guard Black Ice + Tempered Glass Screen GuardThe Gadget Guard Black Ice + edition glass screen guard offers superior protection for a userand#8217;s device. The optical grade tempered glass is incredibly strong, scratch resistant and treated to repel annoying smudges. The Black Ice glass screen protector allows for simple install; just lay the glass screen over the touch screen, tap it in place and it will affix itself to the touch screen.Black Ice + edition black screens are so strong Gadget Guard is willing to bet $150 that your customersand#8217; screens wonand#8217;t break. In the rare event this happens Gadget Guard will send your customer a $150 check and#8211; upon receiving the repair receipt or the damaged phone should they decide to replace it and#8211; to help cover costs.Product Features:Accidental damage coverage for screen repair or phone replacement – $150 check for consumersSuperior Gadget Guard protectionOptical grade tempered glassSimple installationGadget Guard Black Ice + Tempered Glass Screen Guard Best PracticesRegister the PIN for the customer in store during install processEnsure the customer keeps the guard on the deviceEncourage customer to hang on to packaging which includes 1-800 number and instructions


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